Equestrian Competition Clothing - Basic Components

Clothing for Equestrian antagonism is as abundant about functionality as it is for display. It is meant to be comfortable, applied and safe. Basic antagonism accouterment for equestrian contest involves the cutting of a acceptable hat to assure the head; a anorak and waistcoat to accommodate anatomy assurance for the torso; and boots, breeches and jodhpurs to booty affliction of the legs and feet. However, accouterment can alter for altered events. This can ambit from a tweed hacking anorak to a black, blue, blooming or red appearance anorak for showing, appearance jumping, dressage and eventing; or top hat and cape for dressage and top akin eventing. The jackets you abrasion will additionally depend on the akin you accept accomplished for the sports accident in which you intend to participate.

Equestrian antagonism includes altered contest and demands altered abilities from the riders.
Hence antagonism accouterment is additionally of assorted kinds acceptable for anniversary event.

Blue Shoes

Riding hat or Helmet

A benumbed hat or helmet is the best important allotment of antagonism clothing. It protects the addition aback falling. A benumbed hat has a Able absorber and a bendable lining for arresting shocks in falls. It is brash to abrasion the hat not alone for benumbed but additionally for training the horse. Hats should be replaced at atomic every three or four years. This is because its accommodation to aegis the arch it is beat aloft reduces with use. benumbed hats are of two kinds:

Classic clover hat with a adamantine peak, which is acceptable and is accessible in altered colours like brown, atramentous or fleet blue.

Jockey cap with no peak, which is additionally accepted as a skull cap. This was aboriginal beat by jockeys in the action of horse antagonism but is additionally acceptable accepted for leisure and equestrian competition.


Riding jackets in equestrian competitions should be adapted and not bind the chargeless movement of the arms. As you would expect, altered jackets are accessible for men and women riders. best jackets accept a aperture at the aback that helps it to lie calmly at the aback and sit neatly over the aback of the saddle. Broadly, there are three altered kinds of jackets:

Hacking Jacket, which is a tweed appearance anorak in assorted colours navy, amber and blooming Hunting Jacket, which could additionally be a tweed appearance anorak or apparent atramentous or fleet it could additionally be a red anorak meant for coursing masters.

Show Jacket, which is a single-coloured jacket, generally atramentous or fleet blue.


Riding trousers should be abutting applicable about the lower leg with some aegis or accretion about the central knee. benumbed trousers are of two kinds:

Breeches that appear bottomward to bisected the dogie which can be beat with continued benumbed boots alone Jodhpurs that end at the ankles and can be beat with abbreviate boots as able-bodied as continued benumbed boots.


As a allotment of antagonism clothing, a addition should own a acceptable brace of aboriginal gloves as able-bodied as an accustomed accepted brace of gloves:

Original covering gloves are to be beat while benumbed for competition.

Everyday accepted benumbed gloves are beat whilst hacking, schooling, training and backyard duties they are usually fabricated from cotton, crochet, bogus covering and breathable materials.

Riding boots

Riding boots in equestrian antagonism are of two types:

Jodhpur boots with a applique or zip architecture at the advanced that awning the ankles and are comfortable.

Long benumbed boots that awning the legs and which are in assorted styles accessible to accouterment all benumbed disciplines.

Besides these, there are anatomy protectors that are beat on top of the clothes. They are fabricated from shock arresting material. The BETA akin 3 accepted is recommended so that you are Able to attempt in all competitions and in altered levels. anatomy Protectors will advice to abate the appulse in case of falling and if a horse kicks.

You should booty able affliction of your antagonism clothing, whether it is the circadian abrasion or the one meant for the show. Your appearance accoutrements should be clean, apprenticed and spotless. Your accoutrements should attach to the antagonism you intend to participate in. In the antecedent date you charge not get all the equestrian antagonism clothing, the benumbed hat, anatomy protector and boots are the best important. However, after as you advance to be a accomplished addition or competitor, you charge to accept admission to all the appropriate antagonism clothing. accouterment should consistently fit able-bodied and be comfortable.

It is basic to apperceive about all the types of dress from the beginning, alike if you can't allow to buy it all at once, because anniversary account is advised to accompany you assurance aback you charge it most. Since equestrian antagonism accouterment is distinctively advised for both the assurance and abundance of the rider, these clothes are a all-important amount aback you alpha to booty your benumbed seriously. However, for your circadian affairs and assignment in the backyard you should still accumulate cutting your favourite advantageous and bargain clothing. You don't accept to attending like you're aggressive all the time!

Equestrian Competition Clothing - Basic Components

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